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Social Media


Our Social Media Prices

Stand out digital strategies and designs for your business.

per month


Build platforms and sharpen your current profiles on social media
Manage social media company pages
Post on your behalf - 20 posts per month
Generate relevant traffic to your website through social media
Give you monthly analytical reports
Drive new likes and followers to your sites
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per month


Build platforms and sharpen your current profiles on social media
Manage social media company pages
Post on your behalf - 20 posts per month
Generate relevant traffic to your website through social media
Give you monthly analytical reports
Drive new likes and followers to your sites
One self-generated video per month
£100 worth of Facebook ads/Sponsored links per month included in the package
Contact Us
per month


Build platforms and sharpen your current profiles on social media
Manage social media company pages
Post on your behalf - 20 posts per month
Generate relevant traffic to your website through social media
Give you monthly analytical reports
Drive new likes and followers to your sites
Two self-generated video per month
£250 worth of Facebook ads/Sponsored links per month included in the package
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These packages can be tailored to your own specifications. Let us know what your thoughts are, to help you move forward in a competitive market place.

messenger bot

Why not add a
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from £150 per month

Saving you time and money!

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